
Cervical Cancer - 3 Ways Detect it Early

In the previous years, women aged 60 and above were the ones most prone to cervical cancer. But with the 2009 report, an alarming 58% of these cases were women within the age range of 40 and 50 years old only. With such stats, it is therefore important to know the signs of cervical carcinoma so that its symptoms can be contained. Advanced cases of this type of medical condition can become invasive, which means that there is a very good chance that the cancer cells will afflict surround tissues and muscles as well.

So what are the most common signs of cervical cancer?

1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding. Abnormal bleeding or signs of unusual blood spotting is one of the more common signs of the pre-cancer stages of the cervix. It may come in various forms like: blood spotting between menstrual periods, bouts of heavy and light menstruation, vaginal bleeding after sex, blood spotting after the menopausal stage and even vaginal bleeding after douching. In some cases, the woman may experience unusual discharge between menstruation's.

2. Pain during sexual intercourse. Vaginal bleeding is often preceded by pain during sexual intercourse. This may be due to the increased sensitivity or inflammation of the tissues and muscles of the cervix. In advanced stages, pain in this area is an indication that the cancer cells have already spread out to the surrounding areas.

3. Pain during normal bodily functions. Two other signs of cervical cancer include pain during peeing and bowel movement. Pain brought about by UTI or urinary tract infection is another indication that the muscles of the reproductive system is on a hyper sensitive stage.


What Women Should Know About Cervical Cancer and HPV

Cervical cancer is a malignant cancer tissue that attack cervix (organ connecting the uterus and vagina). There are some types of cervical cancer. The most common types, the SCC (squalors cell carcinoma), a major cause of cervical cancer with the percentage of 80-85 percent. HPV infection is a "trigger" major in the development of this cancer.

Other types of cervical cancer, like adenokarsinoma, small cell carcinoma, adenosquamos, adenosarcoma, melanoma, and lymphoma, a type of cervical cancer is rarer and generally not associated with HPV. Various types of cervical cancer this last can not be prevented, such as SCC.

Signs and Symptoms

Early stage cervical cancer are asymptomatic.

Advanced cervical cancer showed symptoms of vaginal bleeding, back pain, urinary symptoms such as dyisuria (painful or difficult urination) and cloudy urine, and digestive disorders such as chronic constipation and tenemus (still feel a lump, although it has a bowel movement).

In addition, pain-is when sexual intercourse and vaginal discharge is also a symptom of advanced cervical cancer. Less common symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, leg pain, leg swelling, and leaking urine or feces from the vagina.

Carcinoma in Situ (CIS or CIN)

Pap smear can identify carcinoma in situ (CIN) in cervical, and treatment can prevent cancer development. CIN is a cluster of pre-malignant cells is still the "in situ" or "in place" and did not move from its initial position and not spread to other parts of the body. Thankfully, in Singapore and other developed countries, the use of cervical scanning program has reduced the number of invasive cervical cancer sufferers.

Women are encouraged to perform a Pap smear once a year since their first sexual intercourse and continued until they were aged about 70 years. If two to three years Pap smear results are normal results, women may decide to reduce the frequency to two to three years. However, high-risk women (see below) are encouraged to continue it every year.

Not all women with HPV infection to patients with CIN, and not all women with CIN to cervical cancer sufferers. Many HPV infections disappear quickly countered by the immune system, just like any other infection.

However, certain types of HPV in the cervix tend to settle for a few years, genetic change cells making the cervix, and causes dysplasia (abnormal cell growth). If not treated immediately, severe dysplasia can and usually will develop into invasive cervical cancer.

CIN usually do not show any symptoms. This is a good time to scan the treatment of cancer because it was nearly always result in complete recovery.

People at Risk

All women who engaged in risky sexual be cervical cancer sufferers. However, women who have many male friends to have sex (or her male friend had been having a lot of female friends for sex) higher risk. Women who began having sexual intercourse before age 16 without a safety in the highest risk.

Has developed an effective vaccine against HPV types cause 70-85% of all cervical cancers.

HPV vaccine is for girls and women aged 9-26 years because the vaccine only works if given before infection occurs. However, this vaccine can be given to women remains a rather late start of sexual activity. Prices are expensive vaccines sometimes cause reluctance. However, because this vaccine only covers for certain high-risk HPV types, women have Pap smears regularly, even after vaccination.


Although the Pap smear test is an effective scanning of cervical cancer, confirming the diagnosis of cervical cancer or pre-cervical cancer requires a biopsy. This is often done through colposcopy, a visual examination of the cervix with a magnifying tool, assisted acid solution to highlight abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix. This is an outpatient procedure for 15 minutes and not causes pain.

Further diagnostic procedures include LEEP (Loop Electrical Excision Procedure), cone biopsy (cone biopsies), and punch biopsies.

Stadium and Treatment

Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) cervical cancer classifications based on scanning into CIN I to CIN III, with CIN III is the direct precursor to cervical cancer. On top of CIN III, meaning has been transformed into cancer cells, and will be classified from stage 0 (cancer confined to the area of skin) to 4B (a relative had spread far).

An early-stage patients can be treated with conservative surgery for women who want to maintain fertility, whereas other patients are usually advised to remove the entire uterus and cervix (trachelectomy). Generally recommended to wait at least one year prior to seeking pregnancy after surgery. Because of the possibility of cancer spread to lymph nodes (lymph node) in a late-stage cancer, the surgeon may also need to lift from the lymph nodes around the uterus for pathologic evaluation.

Cervical cancer is very rare residual cancer has relapsed again if cleaned with the trachelectomy. However, it is recommended for patients to make prevention and treatment continued, including scanning Pap (Pap smear).

Early stage tumors can be treated with radical hysterectomy (removal of uterus) with removal of lymph nodes. Radiation therapy with or without chemotherapy can be given after surgery to reduce the risk of relapse. Early stage tumors can be treated with large radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Furthermore, hysterectomy can be performed for local cancer control them better.

Advanced tumors (stage 2B to 4B) should be treated with combination chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


With treatment, survival rates of cervical cancer patients after 5 years was 92% for the earliest stages, 80-90% for stage 1 cancer and 50-65% for stage 2. Only 25-35 percent for women with stage 3, and less than 15 percent of fourth stage cervical cancer patients are alive after five years. Therefore, the scanning / screening and early detection of cervical cancer is very important.

Visit the doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Back pain
  • Pain when urinating or difficult urination and cloudy urine
  • Constipation cronies and felt a lump, although defecation
  • Ill-being when having sexual intercourse and vaginal discharge
  • Swollen feet
  • Leaking urine or feces from the vagina


Explanation of Stage Four Cervical Cancer

The cervix is the bottom of the uterus, the place where a baby grows during pregnancy. Cervical cancer is caused by some type of virus called human papillomaviruses (HPV). The virus spreads through sexual contact. Most of the female body able to fight HPV infection. But sometimes the virus causes cancer. You are at higher risk if you smoke, have many children, the Pill for a long time, or HIV infection.

Cervical cancer may not cause any symptoms at first, but then, you may feel pain in your pelvis or bleeding from the vagina. Usually it took several years for normal cells in the cervix change into cancer cells. Your health care provider can find abnormal cells in Pap test - examining cells from the cervix under a microscope. By doing regular Pap tests and pelvic exams, you will be able to find and treat the cells before they turn into cancer. Vaccine for girls and young women can protect against four types of HPV that cause most cervical cancers.

Doctors recommend that women reduce the risk of cervical cancer with Pap smears regularly. Pap test (sometimes called a Pap smear or cervical smear) is a simple test used to look at cervical cells. Pap tests can find cervical cancer or abnormal cells that can cause cervical cancer. Finding and treating abnormal cells can prevent most cervical cancer. In addition, Pap tests can help find cancer early, when treatment is more effective.

Stages of cancer based on where cancer is found.
The following are the stages of invasive cervical cancer:
- Stage I: The tumor has invaded the cervix beneath the upper layer cells. Cancer cells are found only in the cervix.
- Stage II : The tumor extends into the upper vagina. Perhaps beyond the cervix into nearby tissues to the pelvic wall (lining of the body between the hips). The tumor did not attack the lower third of the vagina or pelvic wall.
- Stage III : Tumor extends to the underside of the vagina. May also have invaded the pelvic wall. If the tumors block the flow of urine, one or both kidneys can not work properly.
- Stage IV : Tumor attack the bladder or rectum.
Or the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
- Recurrent cancer: Cancer has been treated, but had returned after a period of time that can not be detected. Cancer can arise again in the cervix or in other parts of the body.

Women with cervical cancer have many treatment options. The options are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or combination of methods. Choice of treatment depends mainly on tumor size and whether the cancer has spread. Treatment options may also depend on whether you plan to become pregnant someday. Your doctor can describe your treatment options, expected results of each treatment, and possible side effects. You and your doctor can work together to develop a plan of your medical care appropriate to individual needs.

Your doctor may refer you to a specialist, or you can ask for referrals. You may want to see gynecologic oncology, a surgeon who specializes in treating women's cancers. Other specialists who treat cervical cancer included gynecologists, medical oncologists and radiation oncologists. Your health care team may also include an oncology nurse, and registered dieticians.

Before treatment starts, ask your health care team about the possible side effects and how treatment can change your normal activities. Because cancer treatments often damage healthy cells and tissues, side effects are common. Side effects may not be the same for everyone, and may be changed at a subsequent treatment sessions. At each stage of the disease, additional treatments are available to reduce the side effects of treatment, to control pain and other symptoms, and help you overcome the feelings that arise due to cancer diagnostics.


Invasive Cervical Cancer

Invasive Cervical Cancer - Deadly Disease Of Women

Cervical cancer, this time it is probable many of the women suffered indiscriminate of age. The women aged 10 years and over potentially affected by cervical cancer that attacks the uterus.

In Asia Pacific, approximately 270,000 cases of cervical cancer are detected every year. 140,000 women die from the disease, most occurred on the most important moments in his life. Even today more than half of Asian women who are diagnosed with cervical cancer had died.

In Asia, the cervix is the second type of cancer most commonly found. This fact is at once deadly because every 4 minutes of his life robbed a woman in Asia because the cervix. Similarly in Indonesia, the cervix becomes the most common form of cancer suffered by women. GlaxoSmithKline Management recently stated as much as 28.66 percent of Indonesian women attacked cancer is cervical cancer. Cancer is at the top that attacked a woman in Indonesia.

Cervical cancer is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV); cancer-causing virus types are common and easily transmitted. However, many Asian women who do not know the true cause of cervical cancer.

A survey of 5 thousand of women in Asia Pacific, said 44 percent believe the cervix is a disease that is considered the most highly developed. But very few (2 percent) of these women only knew, the cervix caused by HPV virus.
Ironically the women in Asia Pacific are the opinion of cervical disease is genetic.

Findings Vaccines
Now, although still in the shadow of death, women in Asia Pacific can happily. GlaxoSmithKline on August 25, 2007 and then launched a vaccine to overcome the findings of the cervix. The vaccine against HPV 16 and HPV 18. The findings are intended for young women and adults (aged 10 years and over).

The launch of a vaccine that takes place in the city of Manila is believed to be a new era of cervical cancer prevention.
For a second Asian woman may be happy.

The vaccine itself is projected in addition to cervical cancer prevention as well as to offer 100 percent protection from HPV types 16 and 18. Both types of the virus suspected of causing 70 percent of cervical cancer cases in Asia Pacific. Vaccines are also expected to overcome an infection caused by settling oncogenic HPV types.

"All women are at risk of contracting cervical cancer attacks in his life regardless of age or due to his lifestyle," says Prof. Cecilia Llave Ladines when launching the vaccine. Cecilia is a Vice President of the Organization of Sex Research Infection and neoplasia Asia Oceania (AOGIN) in the Philippines.
He also is a lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine, University of the Philippines.

Although most infections caused by HPV may disappear by itself, but some may remain and develop into cervical cancer. That needs to be aware perhaps that in most cases, cervical cancer suffered no symptoms for several years.

Very likely, the findings in order to overcome the cervical cancer vaccine are effort protection women. Significant contribution in the field of health to fight cervical indeed sorely needed, especially by the Women in Asia Pacific.

The finding that the vaccine is designed primarily to enhance the immune response. With the duration of vaccine protection against HPV types could be longer. HPV within and without the conscious patient (because without symptoms) leads to cervical cancer.

Possibility of maintaining order not to wound (lesion) due to a virus attack HPV 16 and 18 also become one of efficacy (efficacy) vaccine. In clinical trials before the launch, 100 percent showed high antibody levels against HPV 16 and 18. These findings GlaxoSmithKline vaccine uses an adjuvant called AS04 formulation.

Like other Asia-Pacific region, deaths from cervical in the Philippines are also high. Each year there are 6 thousand women attacked by cervical Philippines. A total of 4300 of who died of the disease.

Two-thirds of cervical cancer diagnosed at advanced stages where the incidence of mortality is very high. According to records, 56 percent Filipino woman died after five years, diagnosed with cervical cancer.

Age alert
Cervical cancer risk increases with age and touch the lives of women on the most important moments in his life. In that vulnerable age between ages 30 to 50 years when they were still actively working and being responsible for children or other family members. The opinions expressed by Prof. Diane Harper of the Department of Women and Gender Studies from Dartmouth College and the Department of Obstetrics / Gynecology and Family and Community Health Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire in the United States.

"Clinical studies show that the GSK cervical cancer vaccine could prevent cervical cancer in adult women, and together with the screening marks the first step of a new era of cervical cancer prevention for older women," said Professor Harper.

Clinical trials of the vaccine itself are made of 180 thousand women. One of the results of clinical trials is important is the success rate of preventing lesions (wounds), pre-cancers caused by virus types 16 and 18. The most frequent HPV types in frequency as the cause of cervical. About a third of patients who were tested came from the Asia Pacific region, and research conducted in the Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand at women aged 15-25 years. Cervical vaccine was conducted in three doses of 0.1 months and months on the 6th.

So far known to cervical cancer vaccine is a vaccine designed to prevent propilaktik pre-cancerous lesions and cervical cancer.
Not a therapeutic vaccine. That way cervical cancer vaccine is designed to prevent infection and lesions (sores) caused by the type of cancer-causing human papilloma virus which have the highest prevalence, namely types 16 and 18. This vaccine showed evidence of cross protection against incident infection caused by HPV 45 and HPV 31, two non-vaccine HPV types that are associated with HPV phylogenetic HPV 16 and 18 which together with HPV 16 and HPV 18, cause 80 percent of cervical cancer cases that occur worldwide.

GlaxoSmithKline as a producer in 2006 distributed 1.1 billion doses of vaccines to 169 developing countries and developing countries. Distribution of average 3 million vaccine doses per day. As many as 136 million doses of a combination pediatric vaccine which function to keep the children from six kinds of diseases in one vaccine.

Actually anti-cervical vaccine producer not only GlaxoSmithKline. Merck is also listed as a pharmaceutical company that produces the vaccine HPV 16 and 18.

The patients with cervical ought to know, the vaccine can not cure women who have been hit by the virus HPV.
This, too, has been recognized by Glaxo.

Therefore, anti-cervical vaccine is preferred for women prior to entering the sexually active phase. Unfortunately the vaccine price is still too expensive for the size of the general public.