
Invasive Cervical Cancer

Invasive Cervical Cancer - Deadly Disease Of Women

Cervical cancer, this time it is probable many of the women suffered indiscriminate of age. The women aged 10 years and over potentially affected by cervical cancer that attacks the uterus.

In Asia Pacific, approximately 270,000 cases of cervical cancer are detected every year. 140,000 women die from the disease, most occurred on the most important moments in his life. Even today more than half of Asian women who are diagnosed with cervical cancer had died.

In Asia, the cervix is the second type of cancer most commonly found. This fact is at once deadly because every 4 minutes of his life robbed a woman in Asia because the cervix. Similarly in Indonesia, the cervix becomes the most common form of cancer suffered by women. GlaxoSmithKline Management recently stated as much as 28.66 percent of Indonesian women attacked cancer is cervical cancer. Cancer is at the top that attacked a woman in Indonesia.

Cervical cancer is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV); cancer-causing virus types are common and easily transmitted. However, many Asian women who do not know the true cause of cervical cancer.

A survey of 5 thousand of women in Asia Pacific, said 44 percent believe the cervix is a disease that is considered the most highly developed. But very few (2 percent) of these women only knew, the cervix caused by HPV virus.
Ironically the women in Asia Pacific are the opinion of cervical disease is genetic.

Findings Vaccines
Now, although still in the shadow of death, women in Asia Pacific can happily. GlaxoSmithKline on August 25, 2007 and then launched a vaccine to overcome the findings of the cervix. The vaccine against HPV 16 and HPV 18. The findings are intended for young women and adults (aged 10 years and over).

The launch of a vaccine that takes place in the city of Manila is believed to be a new era of cervical cancer prevention.
For a second Asian woman may be happy.

The vaccine itself is projected in addition to cervical cancer prevention as well as to offer 100 percent protection from HPV types 16 and 18. Both types of the virus suspected of causing 70 percent of cervical cancer cases in Asia Pacific. Vaccines are also expected to overcome an infection caused by settling oncogenic HPV types.

"All women are at risk of contracting cervical cancer attacks in his life regardless of age or due to his lifestyle," says Prof. Cecilia Llave Ladines when launching the vaccine. Cecilia is a Vice President of the Organization of Sex Research Infection and neoplasia Asia Oceania (AOGIN) in the Philippines.
He also is a lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine, University of the Philippines.

Although most infections caused by HPV may disappear by itself, but some may remain and develop into cervical cancer. That needs to be aware perhaps that in most cases, cervical cancer suffered no symptoms for several years.

Very likely, the findings in order to overcome the cervical cancer vaccine are effort protection women. Significant contribution in the field of health to fight cervical indeed sorely needed, especially by the Women in Asia Pacific.

The finding that the vaccine is designed primarily to enhance the immune response. With the duration of vaccine protection against HPV types could be longer. HPV within and without the conscious patient (because without symptoms) leads to cervical cancer.

Possibility of maintaining order not to wound (lesion) due to a virus attack HPV 16 and 18 also become one of efficacy (efficacy) vaccine. In clinical trials before the launch, 100 percent showed high antibody levels against HPV 16 and 18. These findings GlaxoSmithKline vaccine uses an adjuvant called AS04 formulation.

Like other Asia-Pacific region, deaths from cervical in the Philippines are also high. Each year there are 6 thousand women attacked by cervical Philippines. A total of 4300 of who died of the disease.

Two-thirds of cervical cancer diagnosed at advanced stages where the incidence of mortality is very high. According to records, 56 percent Filipino woman died after five years, diagnosed with cervical cancer.

Age alert
Cervical cancer risk increases with age and touch the lives of women on the most important moments in his life. In that vulnerable age between ages 30 to 50 years when they were still actively working and being responsible for children or other family members. The opinions expressed by Prof. Diane Harper of the Department of Women and Gender Studies from Dartmouth College and the Department of Obstetrics / Gynecology and Family and Community Health Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire in the United States.

"Clinical studies show that the GSK cervical cancer vaccine could prevent cervical cancer in adult women, and together with the screening marks the first step of a new era of cervical cancer prevention for older women," said Professor Harper.

Clinical trials of the vaccine itself are made of 180 thousand women. One of the results of clinical trials is important is the success rate of preventing lesions (wounds), pre-cancers caused by virus types 16 and 18. The most frequent HPV types in frequency as the cause of cervical. About a third of patients who were tested came from the Asia Pacific region, and research conducted in the Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand at women aged 15-25 years. Cervical vaccine was conducted in three doses of 0.1 months and months on the 6th.

So far known to cervical cancer vaccine is a vaccine designed to prevent propilaktik pre-cancerous lesions and cervical cancer.
Not a therapeutic vaccine. That way cervical cancer vaccine is designed to prevent infection and lesions (sores) caused by the type of cancer-causing human papilloma virus which have the highest prevalence, namely types 16 and 18. This vaccine showed evidence of cross protection against incident infection caused by HPV 45 and HPV 31, two non-vaccine HPV types that are associated with HPV phylogenetic HPV 16 and 18 which together with HPV 16 and HPV 18, cause 80 percent of cervical cancer cases that occur worldwide.

GlaxoSmithKline as a producer in 2006 distributed 1.1 billion doses of vaccines to 169 developing countries and developing countries. Distribution of average 3 million vaccine doses per day. As many as 136 million doses of a combination pediatric vaccine which function to keep the children from six kinds of diseases in one vaccine.

Actually anti-cervical vaccine producer not only GlaxoSmithKline. Merck is also listed as a pharmaceutical company that produces the vaccine HPV 16 and 18.

The patients with cervical ought to know, the vaccine can not cure women who have been hit by the virus HPV.
This, too, has been recognized by Glaxo.

Therefore, anti-cervical vaccine is preferred for women prior to entering the sexually active phase. Unfortunately the vaccine price is still too expensive for the size of the general public.

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